Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Weather

Well what can I say about the weather. The last 7 days has seen a real change in the weather going from just above freezing to the - 30 Celsius range. Last Thursday we had high winds and snow that created a lot of large drifts. This slowed a lot of things down. Then again Saturday night we had another dump of snow and lots of wind. So back to the shovel to clear paths to the greenhouses and to the car. We are now slowly starting to warm up again with promises of above freezing temperatures by the weekend. All our new bulbs are now in and just waiting for the time to start shipping for the spring mail orders, potting up for the greenhouse sales and new homes in the garden. We have about 2000 new bulbs to pass around and plant up in total. We are going to try spring scaling a few lily bulbs to build up our stock for the future. I will try and post pictures and progress updates as the season rolls on. In about a month from now I should be taking a batch of martagon lily scales out of the cold treatment part of their cycle and planting them up into pots or trays. once they have had some time to grow and the final frosts of the year have past they will head out to the garden.
So if March has come in like a lion here is hoping it goes out like a lamb.

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